WMOF Charismatic Gathering

2015-12-19T03:30:06-05:00Categories: Engage|

“The Family Is Alive In The Power Of The Spirit,” In Collaboration with the World Meeting of Families 2015, we were invited to attend a multi-cultural event held at the Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, PA. The event provided a forum for Charismatic’s to gather together to hear thought provoking words from Charismatic leaders around the

Toward the Jubilee: Regional Outreach, Orlando!

2015-12-19T03:20:54-05:00Categories: Engage|

"It was a special event as 35 people gathered at St. Mark the Evangelist Church in Summerfield, Florida on October 17th for the Commitment Luncheon of the "Towards the Jubilee" Campaign." ~Al Hartley Event Coordinator Back in June of this year the National Service Committee approached long time donor and friend of the NSC, Al

The Holy Spirit is Moving!

2015-08-11T16:30:41-04:00Categories: Engage|

Greetings from South Louisiana, where the summer heat wave is in full swing and God is doing marvelous and wondrous things. Let me update you on four areas where God is moving (click on the links for more detailed information): 1. The NSC, partnering with Franciscan University of Steubenville, has organized a Jubilee Year (2017)

Unity in Diversity

2015-05-09T15:23:00-04:00Categories: Engage|

A report by Jane Barz, ADL member and member of the National Service Committee. The Association of Diocesan Liaisons (ADL) met this past April 20-24 at the Malvern Retreat Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for their Annual Convocation. The theme of this year’s convocation was "Unity in Diversity," based on a quote by Pope Francis in July 2014 that the “Holy

On the Move!

2014-12-10T22:39:53-05:00Categories: Engage|

As we near the end of 2014 we reflect on a couple of key events: the 1st National Gathering of Ecclesial Movements and New Communities and the National Leaders' and Ministries' Conference (see links for audio/video resources from these events below), and look forward in anticipation of the many ways that the Holy Spirit will move in 2015

You are Invited!

2014-10-30T12:05:41-04:00Categories: Engage, Newsletter|

You are invited to attend the 2014 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference, November 7-9 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. If you are a Young Leader or potential Leader (35 or younger) and would like to be a more effective leader in the power of the Holy Spirit. You’re invited! If you are a seasoned veteran or just


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