Thomas McAdams SquareThomas McAdams

Pentecost Today USA Council Member
Augusta, GA

“I was born and raised in the Alleluia Community, where I was exposed to Jesus and the gifts of the Spirit constantly! It most resonated in my heart through worship and I respond to life with worship and thanks for the gift it is!”

Thomas was born and raise in Augusta GA in Alleluia Community. He, with a group of his peers were baptized with the Holy Spirt during a life in the Spirit seminar in the 6th grade. His passion for music started with being captivated by drummers at prayer meetings. He would watch them intently from behind the kit, studying and learning from observation starting at the age of 6. His passion led to pursuit and he started learning drums and any instrument he could get his hands on. He played in bands all throughout middle and high school before being asked to lead worship in the music ministry class at Alleluia Community School. He lead worship at a couple of prayer meetings and fell in love with worship. He played at multiple area churches before traveling around the southeast for work. After marrying his wife of 9 years, Jenna, his satiated passion started to boil over again and he started serving at churches throughout the southeast as work moved the growing family. God opened the door for Thomas and the family of 5 to move back home to Augusta GA where he currently serves as worship pastor at Genesis Chuch, leads worship for Alleluia Community, and is the director of Worship for Encounter School of Ministry Augusta campus. He is most thankful for his saintly wife who supports and enables God’s work through Thomas!

Updated 9/2022