A Regional Spotlight from Dayton, Ohio

The Corpus Christi Prayer Group in Dayton Ohio has been meeting for 50 years now!

Carol Miller can’t begin to express how grateful they are for having the Holy Spirit walking alongside them every step of the way. Carol is one of the 3 founding members with a lifetime of memories to share. Their group was been as large as 63 members back in the day, with a dozen meeting now meeting weekly at the Church. They begin with Prayer and Praise for 15 minutes, followed by reading the Daily Scripture Readings and meditations. After this, they share what the Holy Spirit is saying to them at the time. Members can speak about the how the Lord is working in their lives. Prayer intentions are also brought to the Lord with prayers for our Church, neighborhood, Nation, etc and songs are sung. If anyone needs special prayer, the members gather around and pray over that person for an outpouring of mercy from the Lord and asking His Holy Spirit for gifts of healing, consolation, knowledge, discernment, etc. After their meeting has ended, all are invited to participate in a lunch.

Glory to God for 50 years! May He continue to send blessing upon blessing down upon the Corpus Christi Prayer Group for years to come. 

If you are interested in learning more or in joining the Corpus Christi Prayer Group in Dayton, OH, please contact us at contact@pentecosttodayusa.org and we will put you in touch with them!