Nothing can stop the power of the Holy Spirit!

For years the people of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee have been gathering together in prayer groups to praise and worship the Lord. As many other parts of the country, we too have experienced a downturn in participation at local prayer groups. Many have moved into ministries at their parishes and their neighborhoods – carrying forth the Charisms of the Spirit to serve. Historically, we have had three main prayer groups with years of experience seeking more of the Spirit. Benet Lake was the very first Charismatic Prayer Group in our Archdiocese. River of Life – a prayer group that has been around since 1970’s. Promises of God has been around for 47 years and Servants of Yahweh (a covenant community) formed 41 years ago.

Prior to the pandemic, these groups were operating independently. However, COVID-19 drastically put a halt to that, in terms of in- person meetings. River of Life had about 40-50 folks gathering weekly at a local church to praise and worship the Lord and use the Charisms of the Holy Spirit. When that shut down, I invited the leaders of 2 other groups to join me in offering a virtual phone prayer meeting. This began in March of 2020 and continues weekly. We have had 82+ virtual phone meetings to date, averaging 55 folks per time. But change is always on the horizon so when River of Life returned to meeting in person on May 3, 2021, our numbers dropped on the phone prayer meeting.

We now average to gather about 20-25 persons weekly. This Pandemic brought folks together who worshipped separately before and many have returned to Archdiocesan activities. Our Pentecost celebration drew well over 100 and the fellowship,(safely practiced) was wonderful, they didn’t want to leave.

When ROL returned to in-person, we moved the virtual prayer meeting to Thursdays and just had our 82nd meeting. God has been so faithful. This serves many who don’t drive at night anymore or have no access to internet meetings. It’s grown to be an intimate, cohesive group – receiving many blessings from the Lord. It’s now become it’s own Prayer Group. A main Charism of this group is singing and praying in tongues as well as intercession and faith sharing.

God is on the move in Milwaukee. We just concluded a powerful retreat with our Discerner Team and we have exciting things to present for our people in 2022 to continue to spread the Good News that Jesus Christ is Lord and we are His active agents in bringing about Hope and Healing for His people. Praise God!

Submitted by Marianne F Skrobiak, Liaison

Archdiocese of Milwaukee

Join the phone prayer meeting at 6:50 pm CST on Thursdays at 351-999-4715.

Marianne has served as Liaison for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee for 9 years, having served as Associate for 6 years before that. She is a retired Psychotherapist, retreat director and former chairperson of the ADL Steering committee having served on that committee for six years. She has been an advocate for separated/divorced nationally and has a DVD set called Return to Life to help parishes serve those experiencing the trauma of divorce. Contact her for a free DVD  Liaison.815[at]