A Tribute to Walter Matthews, Retired Director

from Kevin M. Ranaghan

Former Board Member, 1970-1975; 1982-1984

My first strong memory of Walter was on the occasion of an Upper Midwest Regional Conference in St. Paul where he was serving as a principal pastoral administrator. I say strong memory because he was so gifted in his service. Wise, learned, discerning, with fine executive skills, he was clearly a Spirit filled leader. Shortly thereafter he joined us on the staff of the NSC, then located in South Bend, where his work for the Renewal was outstanding in many areas. I want to highlight his service to the Renewal and the Church as a bridge builder. Walter has worked tirelessly to promote Christian unity among the many ethnic expressions of the Catholic Renewal. Furthermore, he has facilitated constructive exchanges among many of the different Catholic ecclesial movements. Finally, he has invested himself on behalf of the NSC in many ecumenical efforts along with other Catholics and Pentecostals and Protestant Charismatics. Such work for our Lord is hard yet fruitful. May the Lord continue to empower Walter for service in the future.

Kevin Ranaghan