A Tribute to Walter Matthews, Retired Director

from Jane Guenther

Former NSC Chairperson, 2013-2015

Walter Matthews welcomed this stranger into the midst of the Council meeting in Albuquerque and my life has been so enriched because of it. I was invited by Msgr. Griesedieck to accompany him to the council meeting and attend the Conference in Albuquerque and the Holy Spirit wouldn’t let me be quiet during discussions for which visitors were not to speak. Walter saw the Holy Spirit and gave me an opportunity to speak. Well the rest is history, serving with him on the Service Committee and then as Chairman allowed me to see up close the way in which Walters ability to see the Holy Spirit has guided, enlightened and given direction and discernment to the ministry of the Renewal he has led Executive Director and I pray that the light of the Holy Spirit will continue to be his beacon in the future endeavors the Lord has for him. 

Jane Guenther