A Tribute to Walter Matthews, Retired Director

from Fr. Patsy Iaquinta

Former NSC Chairperson, 1996-2002

Walter Matthews. My thoughts and meanderings about Walter Matthews: A man of God with a servant’s heart. WOW!! The grace of Vatican II was to Renewal the Church as by a new Pentecost. The people of God were born anew and on fire. The Lord was doing new things. Lay persons begin giving direction and formation to this renewal through teachings and seminars. Unordained leaders step forward and convene conferences. National committees were formed and from this the National Service Committee was born. Walter ultimately became executive director of the NSC. He grew into this ministry. Working efficiently and effectively, he encouraged the people of God to use our gifts for God’s glory, bringing people together in Catholic, ecumenical and ethnic circles. He relied more on grace and trust in the Lord. Outside the office, he presented conferences with clarity and precision, often traveling with family. I enjoyed our working together, during hard times and blessed times. Truly he is a man of God with a servant’s heart. Thank you, Uncle Walter.

Fr. Patsy Iaquinta