A Tribute to Walter Matthews, Retired Director

from Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD

Former NSC Chairperson, 2011-2013

I have known Walter from the early 1990s from the Advisory Council to the National Service Committee (NSC); as a member of the NSC and its chairperson; and as a member of the NSC Council. Walter has done great work as the Executive Director of the NSC and of Chariscenter. I want to emphasize what a great blessing he has been to the Renewal by being a scholar of Charismatic Renewal. Walter kept up with the writings and activities of the Renewal around the world. He would keep the NSC aware of important literature and events in the Renewal, and in the wider Church, which would help us to better discern the leadings of the Holy Spirit. Walter served on the Pentecost Today Editorial Board and the committee that publishes literature for the NSC. I am grateful for him being the editor of my book, Celebrating a Charismatic Jubilee. 

Fr. Bob Hogan BBD