A Tribute to Walter Matthews, Retired Director

from Bishop Emeritus Sam Jacobs

Former NSC Chairperson, 1987-1993

Walter, words cannot begin to express my personal gratitude to you for your years of service for the National Service Committee There are many qualities I could identify but the ones that are outstanding are steadfastness and perseverance, commitment and dedication, deep love of God, wisdom, vision, and tenacity. You have seen the work of the Committee through its ups and downs. Throughout it all you were the ballast that kept things going. You have worked with chairs and members with a variety of personalities, including myself. Throughout it all you were the ballast that kept things going.

Personally, I am grateful for your friendship and all the details you took care of in your capacity as Executive Director. You extend yourself in service, many times behind the scenes, to provide for other people. You have a gift of recall for past meetings, events and situations that amazes me. One of the things I would hope that you will do in your retirement from the office is compile a history of the National Service Committee and its endeavors over the time you served. That would be invaluable to the Renewal for the future. I pray that God will continue to bless you and Claire as you move into the future. Your new ministry has just begun.

Bishop Sam Jacobs